Aquesta saga d'amor paranormal és una de les meves preferides d'aquest gènere ( a part l'ha escrit la J.L.Armentrout *-*) I tot i que potser no és tan coneguda com altres obres seves, ( Saga LUX, saga Wait for me... ) us puc assegurar que sempre que us agradi el gènere, aquests llibres són perfectes per iniciar-nos a llegir amb l'idioma.
The Hematoi descend from the unions of gods and mortals, and the children of two Hematoi pure bloods have godlike powers. Children of Hematoi and mortals--well, not so much. Half-bloods only have two options: become trained Sentinels who hunt and kill daimons or become servants in the homes of the pures. Seventeen-year-old Alexandria would rather risk her life fighting than waste it scrubbing toilets, but she may end up slumming it anyway. There are several rules that students at the Covenant must follow. Alex has problems with them all, but especially rule #1:Relationships between pures and halfs are forbidden. Unfortunately, she's crushing hard on the totally hot pure-blood Aiden. But falling for Aiden isn't her biggest problem--staying alive long enough to graduate the Covenant and become a Sentinel is. If she fails in her duty, she faces a future worse than death or slavery: being turned into a daimon, and being hunted by Aiden. And that would kind of suck.
D'aquest gènere, clarament la saga més senzilla és al d'en Rick Riordan. Tot i que és un llibre que està a petar de frases iròniques crec que la majoria s'entenen bastant bé. Val la pena llegir-ne l'original simplement pel fet que ha estat escrit per la ploma d'or d'en Rick *-*
Percy Jackson is a good kid, but he can't seem to focus on his schoolwork or control his temper. And lately, being away at boarding school is only getting worse-Percy could have sworn his pre-algebra teacher turned into a monster and tried to kill him. When Percy's mom finds out, she knows it's time that he knew the truth about where he came from, and that he go to the one place he'll be safe. She sends Percy to Camp Half Blood, a summer camp for demigods (on Long Island), where he learns that the father he never knew is Poseidon, God of the Sea. Soon a mystery unfolds and together with his friends -- one a satyr and the other the demigod daughter of Athena -- Percy sets out on a quest across the United States to reach the gates of the Underworld (located in a recording studio in Hollywood) and prevent a catastrophic war between the gods.
Volia recomanar-vos un llibre de cada categoria, encara que "si us plau, no començeu amb una distopia!" La majoria ja són complicades i resbuscades i costen d'entendre en català o en castellà! Tot i que crec que The maze runner és justament una de les més rebuscades, l'he escollit pels que ja han superat els nivells d'iniciació a la llengua i volen "més" ja que aquesta triologia té tanta acció que et serà impossible deixar de llegir, encara que sigui en un altre idioma!
If you ain’t scared, you ain’t human.
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He’s surrounded by strangers—boys whose memories are also gone.
Nice to meet ya, shank. Welcome to the Glade.
Outside the towering stone walls that surround the Glade is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It’s the only way out—and no one’s ever made it through alive.
Everything is going to change.
Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying. Remember. Survive. Run.
Let it snow és un llibre curtet que consta de tres històries d'amor nadalenques ecrites per tres escriptors diferents, un d'ells en John Green. És realment senzilla i fàcil de llegir un cop t'has adentrat al llibre. No feu cas a les sinopsis ja que per exemple aquesta es veu infinitament més complicada que "The maze runner" quan realment ( no us ho puc assegurar al 100%) No crec que sigui així. *_*
Sparkling white snowdrifts, beautiful presents wrapped in ribbons, and multicolored lights glittering in the night through the falling snow. A Christmas Eve snowstorm transforms one small town into a romantic haven, the kind you see only in movies. Well, kinda. After all, a cold and wet hike from a stranded train through the middle of nowhere would not normally end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger. And no one would think that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow would lead to love with an old friend. Or that the way back to true love begins with a painfully early morning shift at Starbucks. Thanks to three of today’s bestselling teen authors—John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle—the magic of the holidays shines on these hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance, and breathtaking kisses.
Què us ha semblat? Ens veiem als comentaris!
Jo m'he llegit Will Grayson Will Grayson en angles i el recomano molt, tot i que al principi potser costa al cap de res ja estas enganxat i s'enten tot. A més hi ha un capitol des de cada personatge de manera que et queda aquella intriga de ganes de continuar llegint. Si teniu un nivell mitja alt i us voleu iniciar us el recomano molt:)
ResponEliminaHolaa! Doncs mira! Potser m'animo a llegir-lo en anglès doncs! Mil gràcies! *-*
ResponEliminaA mi m'encantaria pero no se si m'atreveria... The Maze runner sembla bastant dificil...
Potser començo amb covenant... (Per cert on la vas trobar?)
Meeerci per les recomanacioons
PD: m'he llegit el primer de HP en angles i no em va semblar molt dificil, clar que tambe ajuda que m'el sapiga de memoria xD
Holaa! ( Home Laia! Quant de temps!)
EliminaCovenant ! Bona elecció! El vaig llegir amb l'ebok, ( no estic segura de que s'haigi publicat aqui) Però pots fer una cosa, en el cas de que el vulguis amb "english" pots buscar a la web " on venen els originals, a preu molt barat i sense gastos per enviar-lo! ( Val la pens si el vols en paper) Si no, sempre pots fer-ho amb el pdf de tota la vida :)
Ens veiem <3