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10 d’agost del 2015


Aquest dilluns volia fer una entrada diferent. Estava buscant imatges per una altra entrada quan de cop vaig veure una frase "lectora" i com que a mi m'encanten doncs he decidit fer el recull de les millors "quotes" que defineixen els lectors. Perquè jo també n'estic orgullosa de ser-ho. 

  “ Un lector viu mil i una vides abans de morir. El que no llegeix només una.” 
  “ Els llibres són la prova de que els humans podem fer màgia ” 
  “ She read books as one wouls breathe air to fill up live. ” 
  “ Welocme Hogwarts. Welcome to The city of Bone. Welcome to Dauntless. Welcome to the Hunger games. Welcome to the Glade. Welcome to The Camp HalfBlood. WELCOME HOME. 
  “ She/He read about people she could never be and adventures she would never have ” 
  “ We read to know that we are not alone.” 

  “ They may not be real, but they taught me to love, to care, to dream. They helped me find my own sternghts. Therefore they are real to me.  ” 
  “ Fiction isn't just stories. It's breaking through barriers. It's finding love in dark places. It's learning the truth of sacrifices. It's discovering your inner hero. ” 
  “ La noia en ruines em va ensenyar que el destí existeix. El noi que va sobreiviure em va ensenyar a seguir la meva fe, la noia en flames em va ensenyar a no rendir-me mai, la noia intrèpida em va ensenyar que tot és corrupte, el fill de Poseidó em va ensenyar a ser una heroïna i la noia supervivent em va ensenyar a viure al màxim cada dia. ” 
  “ I grew up with you. I loved you. I laughed with you. I cried with you. I followed you. I fought for you. I believed in you. But all along you were never really there. ”